To secure an education loan without collateral, you can explore unsecured education loans. Lorien can help you get unsecured education loans, eliminating the need for collateral. These loans rely on a co-applicant's income to determine approval. Fill out our form, and our experts will guide you through the process.

Discover top international student loan options available

Our Trusted Lending Partners
Indian Banks

- Starting Rate of interest:10.15%*
- Maximum Loan amount:₹1.5 crore
- Processing Fees:NIL
- Processing Time:14 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:9.25%*
- Maximum Loan amount:₹1 crore
- Processing Fees:NIL
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:10.25%*
- Maximum Loan amount:₹1 crore
- Processing Fees:0.75% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:10.50%*
- Maximum Loan amount:₹1 crore
- Processing Fees:1% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:10.50%*
- Maximum Loan amount:₹1 crore
- Processing Fees:0.75% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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Indian NBFCs

- Starting Rate of interest:10.50%*
- Maximum Loan amount:100% of EC100% of education cost
- Processing Fees:1% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:11.50%*
- Maximum Loan amount:100% of EC100% of education cost
- Processing Fees:1% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:11.50%*
- Maximum Loan amount:100% of EC100% of education cost
- Processing Fees:1% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:11.75%*
- Maximum Loan amount:100% of EC100% of education cost
- Processing Fees:1% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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- Starting Rate of interest:11.50%*
- Maximum Loan amount:100% of EC100% of education cost
- Processing Fees:1% + GST
- Processing Time:7-10 days
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Helping you fulfil your study abroad dream!
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Get An Easy Student Loan to Study Abroad!
As an Indian student, do you dream of studying abroad? Going abroad for education opens doors to a n...
Are you Eligible for an International Education Loan?
Many banking and non-banking institutions offer low interest loans for Indian students wanting to st...
Essential Documents for International Education Loans
Banks giving student loans make sure you can pay back the money after you finish studying. They chec...
Costs Included in International Student Loans
We advise our students to clarify everything about the loans that they opt for like, what the loan c...
Types Of Available Loans for Education Loans Abroad
In India, there are generally two types of student loans for studying abroad:...
How Much Does It Cost for an Indian Student to Study Abroad?
The cost of studying in any university abroad depends on the country you are studying in and the uni...
Hidden Secrets to Choose the Best Education Loan
Lots of great universities welcome international students. Here's how Indian students can pick the r...
Why You Should Choose Lorien For Your Education Loan?
Lorien is the perfect place to help you reach your dream country and build a successful career by ha...
Best Courses to Study Abroad
The universities abroad offer a number of courses, here are the ones that offer favourable career ch...
Requirements for a Student Visa
Indian students who pursue higher education abroad usually opt for or relevant visas. But to apply f...
Lorien’s Success Stories
Real Dreams: Real Achievements

I'm Sambhavi, currently working at Deloitte. Lorien Finance helped me secure an education loan for my Master's in Business Analytics at the University...


I want to express my utmost satisfaction and gratitude to Lorien Finance for their exceptional services....


Thanks to Lorien Finance, I was able to secure an education loan without any hassle. Their online application process made it convenient for me to app...


Finding suitable accommodation in a foreign country can be challenging, but Lorien Finance made it a breeze. Their partnership with reliable housing p...


It was a good experience with Lorien Finance throughout the process they helped me in every step and made the process hassle-free and helped me to g...


It was a good experience with Lorien Finance throughout the process they helped me in every step and made the process hassle-free and helped me to g...

Bringing answers to your questions
How can I obtain an international education loan without collateral?
International Education Loans: Everything You Need to Know
We help you get loans that can finance up to 100% of your university fees. We also ensure a stress-free application process with no collateral requirements and help you to advance to your dream college.
Which are the top institutions offering international education loans?
There are various Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) providing education loans for studying abroad, but Lorien stands out as a reliable choice. We help you avail comprehensive financial assistance that can include up to 100% coverage of university fees, zero service fees, and immediate help during emergencies. Our platform simplifies the loan application process for you and provides personalized loan packages crafted to your needs.
How do international student loans work?
Student loans are typically offered by banks and financial institutions. These loans cover tuition fees and additional expenses like examinations, travel, and living costs. Repayment of this loan begins after completing your education. Lorien facilitates this process by providing detailed information on loan terms, helping you choose the right loan, and offering support throughout the application and repayment phases.
Can I get an education loan internationally?
Yes, you can obtain an education loan internationally. Lorien specializes in assisting students like you in securing loans for their education. Simply fill out our form, and our experts will get in touch with you to guide you through the loan application process, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
How are international student loans repaid?
Repayment of student loans typically begins after completing your education. Lorien advises on the best repayment options and helps you understand the terms of your loan. We prioritize your financial well-being, providing support and information to make the repayment process as smooth as possible.
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